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Publish CUBA-application to GitHub Packages using GitHub Actions

Today we're going to look at how to publish CUBA-application to GitHub Packages using GitHub Actions. There is no rocket science here, but still some nuances

  • First of all, an application build on CUBA-platform has a number of modules and a number of build artifacts as a result.
  • CUBA uses Gradle as a build-tool and its own plugin
  • A Gradle-task to publish artifacts for CUBA is uploadArchives


Let's take a look at gradle.build. According to CUBA-Platform documentation, need to specify uploadRepository for cuba plugin:

cuba {
    uploadRepository {
        url = 'https://maven.pkg.github.com/OWNER/REPOSITORY'
        user = System.getenv("GITHUB_ACTOR")
        password = System.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN")

  • url - GitHub Packages artifacts repository for your git-repository.
  • user/password - will be taken from environment variables during GitHub Actions workflow execution

GitHub Actions workflow

Next, we'll need to create a directory .github/workflows in the project, where all workflow files in .yaml format are located. They will be automatically picked up by GitHub Actions and executed based on conditions, specified in those files.

Set up the build

In order to create a basic workflow to build your Gradle-project using GitHub Actions, follow the official Docs: Building and testing Java with Gradle 

General points:

  • Use caching (it's in the Docs)
  • I'm using Gradle wrapper (gradlew) to run Gradle tasks and faced issues with access. If so, add the step below before using Gradle in the workflow. Or...grant access to the gradlew file in the repo and push
- name: Grant execute permission for gradlew
  run: chmod +x gradlew

Publish step

Follow the Publishing packages to GitHub Packages except for one small thing: you should call uploadArchives task not publish
- name: Publish package
  run: ./gradlew uploadArchives
    GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

A working demo could be found here: https://github.com/MrArtemAA/cuba-github-packages-publish

Any issues? Drop a comment ;)


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